Belgo - Black Mountain, Kelowna, British Columbia Real Estate and Homes for Sale
In Belgo - Black Mountain, around 70% of dwellings are single detached homes, while duplexes are also present in the housing stock. This sector offers mainly three bedroom and four or more bedroom homes. Homeowners occupy around 85% of the properties in Belgo - Black Mountain and renters occupy the remainder. Roughly 40% of properties in this sector were built after the year 2000, while the majority of the remaining buildings were constructed in the 1960s. Read more about Belgo - Black Mountain real estate
Browse Belgo - Black Mountain Real Estate Listings by Property Type
- new listing$1,499,000845 Melrose Street Lot# 31Kelowna, BC
- new listing$1,649,000797 Loseth Drive Lot# 16Kelowna, BC
- new listing$1,349,0002539 Loseth RoadKelowna, BC
- new listing$569,0001651 Lynrick Road Unit# 108Kelowna, BC
- new listing$449,900911 Melrose Street Lot# 26Kelowna, BC
- new listing$1,770,000937 Royal Troon LaneKelowna, BC
- new listing$475,000952 Ackerman CourtKelowna, BC
- new listing$1,374,9001347 Wilmot AvenueKelowna, BC
- new listing$1,599,9001756 Birkdale AvenueKelowna, BC
- $2,599,9992197 Highway 33 EKelowna, BC
- $1,099,0002175 Brentwood RoadKelowna, BC
- $1,999,9991356 Mine Hill DriveKelowna, BC
- $1,235,0001407 Kendra CourtKelowna, BC
- $1,450,0001169 Bellagio AvenueKelowna, BC
- $1,099,0002175 Brentwood RoadKelowna, BC
- $1,549,000541 Barra LaneKelowna, BC
- $1,595,0002302 Lavetta DriveKelowna, BC
- $1,000,0001045 Hume AvenueKelowna, BC
- $1,599,000771 Carnoustie DriveKelowna, BC
- $1,499,000981 Lochness StreetKelowna, BC
- $1,586,000989 Lochness StreetKelowna, BC
- $14,900,0002040 Joe Riche RoadKelowna, BC
- $988,8881044 James Hockey PlaceKelowna, BC
- $1,389,000540 Barra LaneKelowna, BC
- $1,299,900338 Prestwick LaneKelowna, BC
- $1,695,000883 Loseth DriveKelowna, BC
- $1,468,0002095 Cortina DriveKelowna, BC
- $1,189,0001492 Longley CrescentKelowna, BC
- $1,799,0001122 Carnoustie DriveKelowna, BC
- $1,799,0001017 Carnoustie Drive Lot# 2Kelowna, BC
- $1,599,000900 Stockley StreetKelowna, BC
- $1,474,888718 Carnoustie DriveKelowna, BC
- $2,199,0002250 Brentwood RoadKelowna, BC
- $1,799,0001001 Melrose StreetKelowna, BC
- $1,485,000801 Melrose StreetKelowna, BC
- $879,5001650 Wilmot CourtKelowna, BC
- $998,000882 Toovey RoadKelowna, BC
- $2,088,888647 Carnoustie DriveKelowna, BC
- $844,9002196 Lynrick RoadKelowna, BC
- $1,369,900859 Melrose StreetKelowna, BC
- $1,395,000873 Melrose StreetKelowna, BC
- $1,599,9001077 Loseth DriveKelowna, BC
- $1,649,900989 Loseth DriveKelowna, BC
- $1,599,900987 Loseth DriveKelowna, BC
- $1,389,0001294 Samurai CourtKelowna, BC
- $2,299,0001505 Fairwood LaneKelowna, BC
Cars are a very good transportation option in Belgo - Black Mountain. It is very convenient to park. In contrast, commuting by transit can be very hard in Belgo - Black Mountain by reason of the low service level. Nevertheless, the sector is linked by a few bus lines, and bus stops are not very far-removed from most houses. It is very impractical for pedestrians to get around in this part of the city as very few daily errands can be run on foot.
There are only a few primary schools in Belgo - Black Mountain and consequently they can be an extended walk away. In addition, this area does not have any high schools. Moreover, there are only a limited number of daycares and thus they can be a rather long walk away. When it comes to eating, home buyers in this part of Kelowna usually have to use a car to purchase their groceries.
Belgo - Black Mountain offers a relaxed ambience and will appeal to home buyers who enjoy spending time outdoors. There are around 10 parks close by for residents to unwind in, making it easy to reach them from the majority of locations in this part of Kelowna. Most areas in this sector are very quiet, as the streets tend to be very calm.