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Condos for Sale in Port Coquitlam, BC

Condos for sale in Port Coquitlam have an average price of $599,481 on MLS®. Condos make up about 26.7% of the city's real estate listings. Single detached homes are the primary housing type, comprising approximately one third of the dwellings in the city. You can also find small apartment buildings, duplexes, and townhouses in the local housing mix. The city offers a broad range of unit sizes, from lofts to properties with four or more bedrooms. Around 75% of residents own their homes, while the remaining are renters. About 30% of Port Coquitlam's homes were built between 1960 and 1980, with a significant number of the remaining properties dating back to the 1980s and 1990s.

114 Condos for Sale in Port Coquitlam
