Wellington Crescent, Winnipeg, Manitoba Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Roughly 90% of the units in the neighbourhood are occupied by homeowners and 10% are rented. In this area, almost all dwellings are single detached homes, while duplexes are also present in the housing stock. Most housing in this neighbourhood was built prior to the 1960s, during its largest construction boom. This part of Winnipeg is primarily composed of three bedroom and four or more bedroom homes. Read more about Wellington Crescent real estate
Carriage Trade
Carriage Trade
Carriage Trade
Regardless of the means of transportation, it is simple to move around in this area. Most homes for sale in this part of Winnipeg are located in places that are reasonably conducive to those who travel by foot; many daily errands can be run without having to resort to a vehicle, and a good number of businesses of different types can be found as well. Thanks to one nearby bus line, the public transit system in this neighbourhood is quite convenient. Driving is usually the favoured approach to move around in this part of the city. It is convenient to park, and it is a short drive to the closest highway from anywhere in Wellington Crescent.
It is convenient to reach both a general and a specialty grocery store on foot from any location in Wellington Crescent. In addition, a restaurant is usually just around the corner. Home buyers have access to a fair number of nearby clothing stores. With respect to education, daycares and schools are straightforward to access on foot from any location in this part of the city.
Wellington Crescent is a reasonably good neighbourhood to buy a house in for those who prefer a slower-paced atmosphere. Most areas in this part of the city are quiet, as there are generally low levels of noise from traffic. Lastly, green spaces are easy to access since there are a few of them close by for residents to visit.